In*ter`pre*ta"tion\, n.

1. The act of interpreting; explanation of what is obscure; translation; version; construction; as, the interpretation of a foreign language, of a dream, or of an enigma.

2. (Fine Arts) An artist's way of expressing his thought or embodying his conception of nature.


The Last of Vienna

The view of St. Steven's from where we got dropped off to have free time.

Just before leaving to explore. You can imagine just how beautiful even urban parts of Vienna are. I wish I had more pictures of this city. Most of the time I was just too lazy to get the camera out, but I'm just starting to regret it now I guess.

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The Photographer

My photo
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Born on the cloudless morning of May 11, 1990, I saw the world as a blur, probably because my eyes didn't work properly. Musicians don't need their eyes.