In*ter`pre*ta"tion\, n.

1. The act of interpreting; explanation of what is obscure; translation; version; construction; as, the interpretation of a foreign language, of a dream, or of an enigma.

2. (Fine Arts) An artist's way of expressing his thought or embodying his conception of nature.


The Process of Burning

This is a prime example of my nasty Quantity can substitute for Quality habits. But I decided to put all three up at once, just because I wanted to save the best three shots of the set for the last few posts and this clearly shows my sadistic nature.

Ready to meet fire

Getting burnt with more leaves

The aftermath of being on my backyard platform. That'll teach those leaves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

The Photographer

My photo
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Born on the cloudless morning of May 11, 1990, I saw the world as a blur, probably because my eyes didn't work properly. Musicians don't need their eyes.