In*ter`pre*ta"tion\, n.

1. The act of interpreting; explanation of what is obscure; translation; version; construction; as, the interpretation of a foreign language, of a dream, or of an enigma.

2. (Fine Arts) An artist's way of expressing his thought or embodying his conception of nature.


Two Worlds

I found another Europe picture to put up. Surprise surprise. This one features a classical cathedral in contrast with the modern transit station.

One thing that fascinates me about Europe is how blended culture and history are together. They have learned to embrace it while living in modern time. If only this happened a little more.

This picture was changed in to a square format to try to emphasize static.

I really want to go back sometime. This time around I didn't go to have fun, per se, but to have an experience of art. That is one thing that I didn't fully accomplish on this trip. Maybe next time. With a smaller group. Or maybe just another person. That way I can take everything in through ears and eyes. (I don't like smelling things.)

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The Photographer

My photo
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Born on the cloudless morning of May 11, 1990, I saw the world as a blur, probably because my eyes didn't work properly. Musicians don't need their eyes.