In*ter`pre*ta"tion\, n.

1. The act of interpreting; explanation of what is obscure; translation; version; construction; as, the interpretation of a foreign language, of a dream, or of an enigma.

2. (Fine Arts) An artist's way of expressing his thought or embodying his conception of nature.


Worship in the Dark

Oradea, church in the middle of nowhere. (Velvia post processing)

I post a picture of a church because my mom is leaving tonight. 18 hours of flying. A total of 10 hours of stop overs in the next day or two. For those of you folk who don't know, it's tough. Well I wish her a good trip, and an easy time picking out a lot for a new house. She'll be back on September 2nd to make sure I didn't blow anything up at home. And a farewell to my Grandpa, and a warning that I will not be in the Philippines to turn on the TV for him in the next 6 months. Have fun in the Philippines you two.

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The Photographer

My photo
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Born on the cloudless morning of May 11, 1990, I saw the world as a blur, probably because my eyes didn't work properly. Musicians don't need their eyes.